Inside Hanoks | Seoul

Stay the night in the city’s hidden havens

Watch the sea of skyscrapers magically fade as you step foot into the heart of Seoul’s best-kept secret: its tranquil Hanok quarters.

Meaning ‘Korean house’, the alluring architecture of these hidden sanctuaries charms anyone who can find their way into its midst. We’ve partnered with the Seoul Tourism Organization (STO) to help you uncover these exquisite stays on Airbnb.

Embrace tradition in the heart of Seoul

“Hanoks have an appeal that changes with the seasons.”

Airbnb Host Hyochan is a writer, columnist and a Hanok enthusiast. Hyochan especially loves the beauty of Hanoks when they’re covered in snow. Selected by STO as one of Best SeoulStay in 2021, Chae Hyodang is where you can find all the best parts of a Hanok.

“Hanoks feel alive again when guests stay the night.”

“Hanoks are said to be living and breathing beings, and are traditionally built for receiving guests. A Hanok without its visitors is bound to wither away. I think Hanoks are truly alive when it’s home to an abundance of laughter and conversations amongst its guests.”

A selection of Seoul Stay Hanoks for your wishlist

Seoul Jongno Seochon Dokchae Hanok JNPstay (5 persuni disponibbli/parkeġġ bla ħlas/barbecue)
Tradizzjonali Hanok Dongchonjae ( 1 tim biss/kolazzjon b 'xejn/ipparkjar b' xejn)
[Dar privata] Hanok Tradizzjonali b 'bitħa u terrazzin sbieħ
(산방)DarTradizzjonaliu Stazzjon Jongno3ga 3min(Ħruġ7)
(스타룸) Dar Tradizzjonali u3minJongno3gaStation(Ħruġ7)
Sodam Soġġorn: Han-ok fil-Belt Ċentrali
[코지한옥] 마당있는 2룸 한옥 독채, 제기동역 5분, 시내, 평지
Żjara ta 'Hyoja: Han-ok Modern ħdejn Gyeongbokgung
Roomin Bukchon: Soġġorn Modern ta 'Hanok f' Hanok Village
Kamra Doppja ta 'Ondol b' kamra tal-banju maqsuma mal-oħrajn
Dar Privata tat-Tieni Sular
Kolazzjon bl-aħjar tojlit individwali f 'Bukchon, Yeonwoo House Haetungbang
Noribang (tojlit privat), kolazzjon inkluż,
Tariffa għall-kanċellazzjoni, kamra għal 2 persuni, kolazzjon ipprovdut, tojlit privat
# Dongdaemun Branch_Illum 's Stay/Hanok Private House Use (Jiji-dong Station, Yong Station 5 minuti bil-mixi)
Disinn Timeless Hanok ZIKM
Luxury Hanok b 'banju privat - SW01
Brought to you by the Seoul Tourism Organization

The Seoul Tourism Organization (STO) is a destination management organization under the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG).

Brought to you by the Seoul Tourism Organization

The Seoul Tourism Organization (STO) is a destination management organization under the Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG).