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Kif tibda tuża Airbnb

Whether you want to book a dream stay away from home or host an Airbnb Experience in your own backyard, here’s how Airbnb works for you—as a Host or a guest. Let’s start with the basics and go from there. Welcome to the community!

The Airbnb community

Airbnb is a community based on connection and belonging. We take the safety of our Hosts and guests very seriously—Hosts must meet and maintain quality standards, and all personal profiles and listings are verified. We work to keep everyone safe on our site and app with encrypted personal data and a trusted payment system. Plus, we have a 24/7 community support team ready to answer any of your questions.

Host Reliability Standards
Standards for Hosts of stays including more about listing accuracy, cleanliness, and communication.

Guest Reliability Standards
Standards for guests on stays including more about respect for the community, the space, and the house rules.

Getting set up

Creating an account is free and easy! We’ll need to know a few basic details and then you’ll be asked to submit your government ID—which we don’t share with Hosts or anyone else. Now you’re ready to book!

Creating an account
Find easy-to-follow instructions to create an account.

How to submit your ID
Details and troubleshooting when you’re uploading your government ID.

Booking a trip: What to do if you’re new
Get info on Airbnb’s booking process, how to confirm your reservation, special offers, and more.

Hosting basics

If you’re interested in hosting your space, we’ll guide you through the process step-by-step. To host Experiences, just review our quality standards, create a listing, and submit your compelling idea (through a form or a short video if you’re submitting an online experience) for review.

All the ways to Host on Airbnb
Details and all the fine print about hosting a place to stay or an Airbnb experience.

Create a unique Airbnb Experience
Find the basic info you’ll need to have when submitting an Experience.

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