Il-Privatezza Tiegħek

Aħna nużaw il-cookies u teknoloġiji oħra bħalhom biex nippersonalizzaw il-kontenut, biex noffrulek riklami li jinteressawk u nkejlu l-impatt tagħhom u biex ikollok esperjenza aħjar. Meta tagħfas Ok jew tixgħel għażla mill-Preferenzi tal-Cookies, int tkun qed taqbel ma' dil-ħaġa kif għandna miktub fil-Politika tal-Cookies tagħna. Biex tibdel il-preferenzi jew tneħħi l-kunsens, jekk jogħġbok aġġorna l-Preferenzi tal-Cookies tiegħek.


Affarijiet x'tista' tagħmel ġewwa 5th arrondissement

Ibbukkja attivitajiet uniċi mmexxija minn esperti tal-post fuq Airbnb.

Meta r-riżultati jkunu disponibbli, tista' tmur minn riżultat għall-ieħor bil-buttuni tal-vleġeġ 'il fuq jew 'l isfel jew billi tmiss u tmexxi subgħajk fuq l-iskrin.
Qed jintwerew 4 ħwejjeġ minn 8
1 minn 2 paġni
Qed jintwerew 0 ħwejjeġ minn 10
1 minn 3 paġni
Rating medju ta' 4.95 minn 5, skont dan-numru ta' reviews: 8882

Learn to bake the French Croissant w/ a chef

Learn how to make the typically "French Croissant", the "Pain au chocolat" & the "Pain au raisin" :-) During this interactive cooking lesson, you will be hands-on in the kitchen and, equipped with an apron and all the utensils you need, you will learn how to make the "French Croissant" the "Pain au chocolat" & the "Pain au raisin"! You will be in control of your creations from start to finish, from the moment you lay eyes on the recipe for the first time to the moment you take your creation out of the oven. I will be at your side to guide you and teach you, with full explanations, the techniques you need to guarantee your baking will be a success! At the end of your experience, we can taste what you have baked and chat about your trip to Paris and I’ll also be happy to give you my culinary advice, recommendations and opinions.

1 minn 2 paġni
  1. Airbnb
  2. Franza
  3. Île-de-France
  4. Pariġi
  5. 5th arrondissement