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Affarijiet x'tista' tagħmel ġewwa Susquehanna River

Ibbukkja attivitajiet uniċi mmexxija minn esperti tal-post fuq Airbnb.

Qed jintwerew 4 ħwejjeġ minn 10
1 minn 3 paġni
Rating medju ta' 5 minn 5, skont dan-numru ta' reviews: 1

Join the jam at a local jazz speakeasy

Philadelphia’s rich jazz legacy comes alive at the Velvet Whip Speakeasy, where rhythm, improvisation, and collaboration take center stage. Join me for a dynamic jam session at a hidden club to celebrate the spontaneity and soul of live music and pay tribute to the city’s deep musical roots. • We’ll kick off the evening with a warm welcome. I’ll share my journey in percussion and love for improvisation and explain the instruments used in the session, diving into the vibraphone’s role in jazz history. • Watch as I and a fellow guitarist showcase the essence of spontaneous collaboration, breaking down the techniques that bring an unstructured jam to life. • Step up and try your hand at jamming, applying the rhythms and techniques you’ve just learned. The night doesn’t end when the session does! Stick around to soak up the speakeasy’s atmosphere and enjoy a complimentary ticket to that evening’s live show.

Qed jintwerew 4 ħwejjeġ minn 10
1 minn 3 paġni
Rating medju ta' 4.98 minn 5, skont dan-numru ta' reviews: 165

Artisan Sourdough Bread Workshop

After arrival and introductions, we'll start the process by showing you how to properly slash your dough and get it into the oven. this will allow our first loaves to bake and cool in time for sampling, because who wants to attend a sourdough class and not get to eat any of it? :) Next, we'll begin the process of mixing ingredients, going over the recipe and process. during the periods when the dough will be resting ill conduct a demonstration for a fun live cultured beverage, you can make at home or simply enjoy it during the baking class. Since there is so much time involved in producing a loaf, I'll be moving along with the steps as quickly as we can and spending most of the time between processes answering questions and explaining the why behind the techniques. classes typically last between 3-4 hours so light refreshments will be served throughout the class. You will leave class with, starter, instruction printout, a loaf of bread to bake the next and a bread proofing basket. Other things to note Let me know if you have any food allergies.

Rating medju ta' 5 minn 5, skont dan-numru ta' reviews: 29

Grape Harvest & Stomp Wine Barge Tour

This is a hands-on experience where guests will have the opportunity to learn the basics of winemaking from an experienced hobby winemaker beginning with the grapes in the vineyard and ending on the unique FLX Wine Barge. Guests will be greeted by Kathy at Fulkerson Winery where she will lead them to an appropriate vineyard tract, explain about the variety of grapes to be harvested, provide gloves, grape harvesting forks and buckets and set each guest up to pick about 10 pounds of wine grapes each. Once harvesting is complete, the group will return to the winery and, while Kathy settles up for the grapes, guests will be free to do a wine tasting of Fulkerson’s wines with special attention to any wines that were made with the variety of grape just harvested. Next, in their own vehicles, participants will follow Kathy to her place on nearby Lamoka Lake, where they will board the docked FLX Wine Barge to enjoy a boxed lunch. During this time, Kathy will provide an Introduction to Winemaking: From Grape to Glass. Participants will learn how to measure sugar content in grapes using a refractometer and understand how the sugar is converted to alcohol by yeast to make wine. Next, guests will manually destem their grapes and then crush them in the traditional way. Once the grapes have been converted to “must,” we will share a celebratory toast in a Wine Barge souvenir glass. Other things to note This will be a hands-on activity, mostly outdoors. While not strenuous, there will be some walking and bending. Participants will be standing while they destem grapes but will be seated on the Wine Barge.

1 minn 2 paġni