Is-suġġerimenti se jintwerew wara li tibda tikteb fil-kaxxa tat-tiftix. Uża l-buttuni tal-vleġġa 'l fuq u tal-vleġġa 'l isfel biex tiċċekkja. Uża l-buttuna enter biex tagħżel. Jekk l-għażla tiegħek tkun frażi, dik il-frażi se tiġi mfittxija. Jekk is-suġġeriment ikun link, il-brawżer se jiftaħ dik il-paġna.

Kif iżżid deskrizzjoni tar-ritratti tal-listing tiegħek

Adding visual descriptions (alt text) to listing photos is a meaningful action Hosts can take to be inclusive of more guests. They provide access for guests who are blind, have low-vision, or can’t load listing images by describing what’s in the photo.

Unlike photo captions which help convey the mood of a photo, visual descriptions should accurately and objectively describe the contents of a listing photo. Review our tips for writing useful visual descriptions.

Who visual descriptions help

Visual descriptions, also known as alt text, are useful for several audiences and purposes including:

  • Making images accessible to people who are blind or low vision and use screen readers, an assistive technology tool. Screen readers read visual descriptions aloud as they come across listing photos.
  • Helping users with slow or unreliable internet connections. When images don’t load, visual descriptions may be shown in place of the image.
  • Providing context and keywords to search engines, helping them know what your image is about.

Kif iżżid deskrizzjoni tar-ritratti

  1. Iftaħ Listings
  2. Agħżel il-listing li tixtieq tibdel
  3. Iftaħ it-taqsima Dawra mal-post bir-ritratti tal-Editur tal-listings.
  4. Agħżel ritratt u kklikkja fuq Ibdel id-deskrizzjoni tar-ritratt minn Ir-ritratti kollha
  5. Ħalli l-editur miftuħ u ikteb deskrizzjoni ta' dak li qed jintwera fir-ritratt u mbagħad ikklikkja fuq Issejvja

Żid deskrizzjoni ta' kull ritratt u meta tlesti, ir-ritratti tal-listing tiegħek se jkollhom badge fuqhom li turi li għandhom deskrizzjoni bil-miktub.

Tips for writing useful descriptions

Writing a visual description is similar to describing the contents of a photo to a friend over the phone. Follow these tips to write better visual descriptions for listing photos.

  1. Be brief. Descriptions must be fewer than 250 characters, so include important details first.
  2. Be objective. Describe only what’s shown in the photo. Details about what you love, or the mood of the space should be added to your photo captions instead.
  3. Describe all unique or important objects in the photo.
  4. Describe the space shown in the photo, including any stand-out features about its size, style, and lighting.

Example visual description

Visual description:

"A modern armchair with plush gray cushions and blue throw pillows sits between a side table and a tall lamp near a large, sunny window. A world map covers the wall behind the chair."

Dal-artiklu kienlek ta' għajnuna?
Ikseb l-għajnuna bil-bookings, bil-kont tiegħek u b'affarijiet oħra.
Idħol jew irreġistra